Giulio Campagna
Robotics Engineer
Date of Birth:
May 3rd, 1995
Work Address:
Rendsburggade 14, 9000, Aalborg, Denmark
+45 22543373
+39 3337396558
About Me
2018: Received a B.Sc. degree in Computer and Information Engineering from the University of Siena, with a thesis entitled "Experimentation on Real Video Systems for Object Detection." The Bachelor's program covered a wide range of courses in Computer Science, Automation, Telecommunications, and Electronics.
2021: Received an M.Sc. degree in Computer and Automation Engineering, specializing in Robotics and Automation, from the University of Siena. The Master's thesis was entitled "Commanding Grasping Robot through Virtual Reality and Simulated Wrenches." This program provided advanced knowledge in artificial intelligence, machine learning, industrial automation, and robotics. Additionally, completed Erasmus studies at the Technical University of Munich and an Erasmus traineeship at Aarhus University.
2022: Qualified as a Robotics and Automation Engineer in Section A, Information Engineering Sector, Class LM-32, from the University of Florence.
2022: The Master's thesis was registered in the Italian database PubbliTesi in recognition of its outstanding quality.
2022–2025: PhD Fellow in Human-Robot Collaboration at Aalborg University, Human- Robot Interaction Laboratory.
Research focused on developing machine learning algorithms leveraging multi-modal sensor data to enhance safety, foster trust, and promote ergonomic behavior. The aim was to create more user-friendly robot control systems for human operators in industrial human-robot collaboration.
Aalborg University is ranked among the top 20 universities worldwide for engineering, according to the prestigious Best Global Universities ranking.
Furthermore, was involved as a Visiting Researcher at the DLR - German Aerospace Center and the Italian Institute of Technology.
Specialties: My research areas include industrial Human-Robot Collaboration, Collaborative Robotics, Human-Robot Interaction, Machine Learning.
For further details, please download the curriculum from the link.
Titles Of Merit
Ph.D. Fellow in Human - Robot Collaboration - Aalborg University, Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Denmark
Research Line: Human - Robot Collaboration
Laboratory: Human - Robot Interaction
Visiting Researcher - German Aerospace Center, Germany
The project featured collaboration with the following organizations: Aalborg University, DLR German Aerospace Center, CNR-STIIMA, and IT+Robotics S.r.l.
Visiting Researcher - Italian Institute of Technology, Italy
The experiments were conducted under the supervision of Dr. Arash Ajoudani at the Human-Robot Interfaces and Interaction.
Qualification to the profession of Robotics and Automation Engineer in section A, Information Engineering sector, class LM-32 – University of Florence, Italy
Master's Degree: Computer and Automation Engineering - Robotics and Automation - University of Siena, Italy
Mark: 109/110 (missing a perfect average by 0.06)
Thesis Title: Commanding Grasping Robot through Virtual Reality and Simulated Wrenches (link)
Registration of Master Thesis in Italian Database PubbliTesi for recognition of one among best thesis (link)
Finalist for the Digital Sustainability Award (link)
Erasmus For Traineeship - Aarhus University, Denmark
Erasmus For Studies - Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany
Bachelor's Degree: Computer and Information Engineering - University of Siena, Italy
Scientific - Technological High School - Tito Sarrocchi - Siena, Italy
Mark: 100/100
FIRST - University of Cambridge, 10-08-2021, Certificate Number: B6014466 - European Level: B2
PET - University of Cambridge, 01-05-2014, Certificate Number: 0044043424 - European Level: B1
DELF - DELF, 26-11-2009, European Level: A1
ECDL CORE, AICA, 23-04-2010, N° IT 1526910
ECDL ADVANCED MODULE AM4, AICA, 19-01-2012, N° ADV026100
Formazione Generale dei Lavoratori, Corso AiFOS EL/350792, Attestato n. U185600, 22-10-2023
Relevant Courses
Robotics - University of Siena, Italy
Human-Centered Robotics - University of Siena, Italy
Dynamic Human Robot Interaction - Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany
Project In Human-Centered Neuroengineering for Cybathlon - Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany
Advanced Robot Control and Learning - Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany
Artificial Intelligence - University of Siena, Italy
Machine Learning - University of Siena, Italy
Deep Learning - Ph.D. Course, Aalborg University, Denmark
Reinforcement Learning and Dynamic Programming - Ph.D. Course, Aalborg University, Denmark
Architecture of Machine Learning Systems - Ph.D. Course, Aalborg University, Denmark
Data and Machine Learning Operations (DataOps and MLOps) - Ph.D. Course, Aalborg University, Denmark
Data Quality Management - Ph.D. Course, Aalborg University, Denmark
Dynamic Systems - University of Siena, Italy
Control Systems - University of Siena, Italy
Multivariable, Nonlinear and Robust Control - University of Siena, Italy
Discrete Event Systems - University of Siena, Italy
Network Optimization - University of Siena, Italy
Data and Decision Analysis - University of Siena, Italy
Signal and Spectral Analysis extracting information from noisy data - Ph.D. Course, Aalborg University, Denmark
Management of Research and Development - Ph.D. Course, Aalborg University, Denmark
Academic Writing in English - Ph.D. Course, Aalborg University, Denmark
Writing and Reviewing Scientific Papers - Ph.D. Course, Aalborg University, Denmark
Applying the Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity to your Research - Ph.D. Course, Aalborg University, Denmark
Online Profiles, Dissemination and Metrics - Ph.D. Course, Aalborg University, Denmark
International Scientific Networking - Ph.D. Course, Aalborg University, Denmark
Problem-Based Learning - Ph.D. Course, Aalborg University, Denmark
Workshop (RO-MAN 2023): Trust, Acceptance and Social Cues in Human-Robot Interaction – SCRITA
Workshop (ICSR 2023): ASIMOV: Adaptive Social Interaction based on user’s Mental mOdels and behaVior in HRI
Annual Aalborg Robotics Workshop
IDA (Ingeniørforeningen i Danmark): The Danish Society of Engineers, IDA is a professional body and trade union for technical and scientific professionals
IEEE Membership (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers): IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.
IEEE Robotics & Automation Society (RAS) Membership: The IEEE Robotics and Automation Society aims to advance robotics and automation engineering and science, uphold high professional standards, and promote education and research, in line with the IEEE Constitution and its Field of Interest.
Technical Committee for Human-Robot Interaction & Coordination: The IEEE-RAS Technical Committee on Human-Robot Interaction and Coordination aims at providing a framework for discussion for the variety of issues related to the development of robots intended to interact with human beings.